“The Obstacle Is The Way””
– Ryan Holiday
Featured Guest
Dan Wright is a father, a husband, and our States Attorney. He has a passion for our community, public service and education.

Never take yourself too seriously
Dan is well educated, articulate and professional, but he has no problem being candid about life’s everyday challenges both at home and in the courtroom.

With great power comes great responsibility
Throughout our conversation, Dan acknowledges the privilege and power of his position as well as citing the character Atticus Finch as an inspiration of how to live life.

Investing in the future
Dan co founded the P.U.P.I.L. Network to encourage and facilitate the pursuit of careers in public interest law by Sangamon County high school and college students to promote unity, diversity and community engagement. The goal is to educated young students about a careers in public law and community service legal careers and bridge the gap between the context displayed in in scripted court moves and tv shows.
Red vs Blue
I spoke to Dan for close to 2 hours during our interview and not once did I ask him about the motivations for his party affiliation. I find more value in understanding his character and the inspiration behind his decision making.

Why should I care?
Everyday decisions are being made that have a direct effect on our lives.
What is the character of the ones making these decisions?
Do you feel confident in their ability?
These are important questions to me and I am confident sharing my discoveries with you.
Hopefully the next time you see our States Attorney come across your feed you can tell someone close to you
“Oh hey it’s Dan, he’s a really solid dude”